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North Dakota Prescribed Fire Program

The North Dakota Prescribed Fire Program, supported by the Outdoor Heritage Fund, is looking to partner with landowners who want to use prescribed fires can enhance rangeland health, reduce wildfire risk, and improve forage quality, quantity, and diversity!

North Dakota’s grasslands are one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. Declines in prairies have led to equally extreme reductions in population numbers for wildlife. Historically, fires were a common event in prairies, often recurring every couple of years in the wetter tallgrass prairies to every 20-30 years in the drier shortgrass prairies. Prescribed fire supports improved habitat for grassland birds and other wildlife. 

The ND Prescribed Fire Program strives to facilitate a positive North Dakota landowner awareness of prescribed fire as a management tool.  Prescribed fires can be used to manage fuel loads, helping to prevent wildfires. More importantly, prescribed fires can be a safe and effective method to increase grassland productivity for wildlife and livestock alike.

Contact Kelli Kuska (Pheasants Forever) or Cara Greger (North Dakota Wildlife Federation) for more inforamtion:

Email Kelli Kuska, ND Prescribed Burn Coordinator at or call 701-252-3365

Email Cara Greger, Western ND Conservation Coordinator at or call 320-808-4897

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